I. A Bible-Based Sunday School
- Adult Bible class where the husband and wife sit together and hear the scriptures taught by the Pastor.
- Classes for all ages that study the Bible with suitable visual aids for each age group.
- Sunday school teachers who are born again, separated, seven day a week Christians. Our standards are high.
- God’s Word, the King James Bible, is used in all classes.
II. An Old Fashioned Preaching Service

- No programs, no stiff formality, just heart-warming friendliness from warm-hearted Christians who are truly glad to have you attend.
- Old Fashioned gospel music with a message in every verse. Songs you can sing and love.
- A sincere welcome for all, rich or poor, where you can worship and adore our Lord and not become involved in a style show or social club.
- Old Fashioned Gospel preaching with simplicity and sincerity with the emphasis on salvation and Christian living. We preach that our Lord’s return is imminent and we should live to please Jesus.
III. A Church With A Heart

- We are a missions minded church with as much mission outreach as any church you’ll find. You will personally meet many of our missionaries.
- We are concerned about you and your family. We want to see your home happy and Christ-Centered. We want to see your children grow into useful, God-fearing, law-abiding citizens that all will be proud of.